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Einzelposting: Looking for RPG-Partner - The Witcher

Links hierher: http://www.animexx.de/forum/thread_5477009/-1/16080581302953/

Von:    Bibs 15.12.2020 19:48
Betreff: Looking for RPG-Partner - The Witcher [Antworten]
I'm looking for a partner for a Witcher RPG. Mostly based on the Netflix adaption, with the bits of book and game lore we want thrown in. AUs possible, lets juggle some ideas :)
I'm not set on a plot or pairing yet, we can make it up as we go.

I prefer writing in English and novel style. At least one post per day would be nice, though I know life can get in the way.

I'm open to most ships but have a soft spot for Jaskier x Geralt or Jaskier x Eskel or poly-variations thereof, maybe even including Yen.
Adult content possible but not strictly required.

So, if you're interested or have any questions, message me :)

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